Web Design Course

About Course

This course is designed to provide you with a foundational understanding of web design principles, tools, and techniques. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites.

What Will You Learn?

  • By the end of this Web Design Essentials course, you will understand the fundamental concepts and scope of web design, along with the role, responsibilities, and tools of a web designer. You'll learn the basics of HTML to create structured web pages and CSS to style them. You'll grasp design principles like balance, contrast, emphasis, and harmony, as well as usability best practices for intuitive navigation and accessibility. The course will teach you how to create responsive designs using CSS media queries and flexible grids, and how to add interactivity with JavaScript. You'll become familiar with design tools such as Adobe XD, Sketch, and Figma for creating wireframes and mockups, and you'll learn the basics of managing websites using CMS platforms like WordPress. Finally, you'll apply this knowledge in a final project where you'll plan, build, test, and launch a complete website. Along the way, you'll develop problem-solving skills, attention

Course Content

Module 1: Intro to Web Design
Objective: Understand the basics of web design and its importance. Lesson 1.1: What is Web Design? Definition and Scope: Web design involves creating the visual layout and user interface of a website. It combines various elements like layout, color, typography, graphics, and content to create a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing experience. Key Components: Layout: The arrangement of elements on a page, ensuring a balance between text, images, and other media. Color: Using color theory to create a visually appealing palette that aligns with the brand and enhances the user experience. Typography: Selecting and applying fonts to improve readability and convey the website’s tone. Graphics: Incorporating images, icons, and other visual elements to complement the text. Content: Providing high-quality, relevant information that meets the needs of the website’s audience. Lesson 1.2: The Role of a Web Designer Responsibilities and Skills: Web designers are responsible for creating and maintaining the visual aspects of a website. They must have skills in graphic design, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and familiarity with design tools. Industry Tools and Technologies: Common tools include Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, XD, Sketch, and Figma. Technologies involve HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and CMS platforms like WordPress.

Module 2: HTML and CSS Basics
Objective: Learn the fundamental languages of web design. Lesson 2.1: HTML Basics Introduction to HTML: HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard language for creating web pages. Basic Tags and Structure: Understanding tags like , , <title>, , <h1>, <p>, and their usage in structuring a web page. Creating Your First HTML Page: Hands-on activity to create a simple HTML page with a title, headings, and paragraphs. Lesson 2.2: CSS Basics Introduction to CSS: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style and layout web pages. Styling Text and Layout: Applying styles to text (font, color, size) and layout (margin, padding, border). Applying CSS to HTML: Linking CSS to an HTML document using inline styles, internal styles, and external style sheets.

Module 3: Design Principles and Best Practices
Objective: Understand the core principles of effective web design. Lesson 3.1: Principles of Design Balance, Contrast, Emphasis, and Harmony: Using these principles to create visually appealing designs. Applying Design Principles to Web Design: Practical examples and exercises to apply these principles to web pages. Lesson 3.2: Best Practices for Usability Navigation and User Flow: Creating intuitive navigation and smooth user flow to enhance user experience. Accessibility Considerations: Ensuring websites are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Introduction to WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

Module 4: Responsive Web Design Objective
Objectives: Create websites that work well on all devices. Lesson 4.1: Introduction to Responsive Design What is Responsive Design?: Designing websites that adapt to different screen sizes and devices. Importance of Mobile-Friendly Websites: Statistics and reasons why responsive design is crucial. Lesson 4.2: Implementing Responsive Design Media Queries Using CSS media queries to apply styles based on device characteristics. Flexible Grids and Layouts: Creating flexible grid systems that adjust to various screen sizes. Hands-On Activity: Building a responsive web page using media queries and flexible grids.

Module 5: JavaScript for Interactivity
Objective: Add interactivity to your web pages with JavaScript. Lesson 5.1: JavaScript Basics Introduction to JavaScript: JavaScript is a programming language that allows you to create dynamic and interactive web pages. Basic Syntax and Functions: Understanding variables, functions, and basic operations in JavaScript. Creating Simple Scripts: Writing and running simple JavaScript scripts to manipulate web page elements. Lesson 5.2: Enhancing User Interaction Event Listeners: Using JavaScript to respond to user actions like clicks and form submissions. Simple Animations and Effects: Creating animations and visual effects to enhance user experience. Hands-On Activity: Implementing event listeners and animations on a web page.

Module 6: Web Design Tools
Objective: Familiarize yourself with popular web design tools. Lesson 6.1: Design Software Overview of Tools: Introduction to Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma, and other design software. Creating Wireframes and Mockups: Using these tools to create wireframes and high-fidelity mockups of web pages. Hands-On Activity: Designing a mockup of a web page using a chosen design tool. Lesson 6.2: Content Management Systems (CMS) Introduction to CMS: Overview of WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. Basics of Managing a Website with a CMS: Installing and configuring a CMS, adding and managing content, and customizing themes. Hands-On Activity: Setting up a basic website using WordPress and customizing it.

Module 7: Final Project
Objective: Apply what you've learned to create a complete website. Lesson 7.1: Planning Your Website Choosing a Topic and Purpose: Selecting a topic for your website and defining its purpose and target audience. Creating a Site Map and Wireframe: Planning the structure of your website and creating wireframes for key pages. Hands-On Activity: Developing a site map and wireframes for your project website. Lesson 7.2: Building and Launching Your Website Developing Your Site: Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build your website based on the wireframes and site map. Testing and Launching: Testing your website for functionality, usability, and responsiveness. Preparing for launch. Hands-On Activity: Building, testing, and launching your project website.

Congratulations! You have completed the Web Design Essentials course. With these skills, you can start building your own websites and continue learning more advanced topics in web design.